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The 5 Pillars of Ohio PROMISE

Professional Early Childhood Credential

There are three levels offered beginning with understanding, moving to knowledge and a third level focused on application of universal practices to support all young children across early care and education environments.

Ohio PROMISE Program Designation (OPPD)

The designation is available to all licensed child care centers, family child care programs, and preschool and school-age programs.

Early Childhood Center of Excellence (CoE)

The CoE provides innovative resources, professional development, and practice-based consultation and coaching to early care and education professionals and families throughout the state.

Child Care Choice Program Voucher

The voucher is available for families who are over income for the state’s Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC) and whose gross monthly income is between 146 - 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. This voucher program is part of a larger initiative focused on increasing access to child care and financial support services for families towards child care costs.

Ohio PROMISE Advisory Council

The Ohio PROMISE Advisory Council exists to advise and assist in development, progress, and evaluation review of information gathered from any of the core components of the initiative as well as identify, review, and recommend next steps in programming to further movement in realizing the vision that “Each Ohioan, from birth, has a strong foundation of support, acceptance, and empowerment where they live, play, learn, and work.”

  • Jody Beall, Preschool Special Education
  • Theresa Brown, Ph.D., Early Childhood Consultant
  • Latasha Collins, Parent Representative
  • Melissa Courts, Early Intervention
  • Ashley & Jordan Dale, Parent Representatives
  • Lynne Fogel, Parent Consultant
  • Wendy Grove, Ph.D., State Administrator
  • Troy Hunter, Director of Research, Evaluation, and Performance
  • Lisa Hickman, Ph.D., Executive Director
  • Kristen Hickman, Senior Legal Associate
  • Bonnie Hubbard-Nicosia, Children’s Health Policy Administrator
  • Kari Jones, President & CEO
  • Kathy Lawton, Ph.D., Director
  • Heather Malone, Special Education
  • Yolanda Mahoney, Early Childhood Center Support Supervisor
  • Kathy Muehlbauer, Program Administrator, Child Care
  • Quinella Murphey, Parent Representative
  • Alice Marie Ohlin, Provider of Early Care and Education
  • Tracy Pohlabel, Provider of Early Care and Education
  • Erin Simmons, Parent Representative
  • Julie Stone, Executive Director
  • Megan Surso, ELP Director/Coordinator of Special Education
  • Erica Wallace, Children and Families Advisor
  • Stephanie Weber, Psy.D., Assistant Professor in Clinical Pediatrics Training Director
  • December West, Parent Consultant
Wendy Grove

“Supporting our youngest citizens where they learn, live, and play is essential to supporting our parents as workers, our state’s economy, and the health and well-being of each Ohioan. By showing adults how to support each learner, we ensure that children have early experiences which are joyful, playful, and impactful.”

— Wendy Grove, Ph.D.,

Senior Advisor for Research, Evaluation, and Impact

Your one-stop-shop to finding and navigating Ohio PROMISE resources tailored to the needs of families